The digital age is taking over and social media is no exception. Whether we like to admit it or not, we use our phones and media platforms for everything. From doing work or chatting with friends, social media is what bridges us to the rest of the world. The fact that we can do whatever we want right at our fingertips is revolutionary. 

However, not everyone sees the positives as technology advances. Many think the accessibility and the widespread use of social media is bad for society. There are definitely some negatives that people need to sort through, but there are a plethora of positives online. 

The fact that younger generations are growing up with technology and social media means they have access to a whole new world. When it comes to self expression, younger people have an outlet to be their true selves. Creators on platforms like TikTok and Instagram have a reach of thousands and even millions, which means they can be an influence for people their age. They have the freedom to create whatever they want, they get to express their hobbies and interests in the truest form. 

Because so many people use social media, it means users have the power to make things trend. People can share their hobbies and interests and create a bandwagon of people who like to do the same things. Inspiration is in a constant flow online. For example, quilting has become such a popular hobby and is expanding to younger generations. People can post their projects and give advice, creating a whole community of quilters. 

Self expression not only is shown through peoples’ talents, but through the relationships they create online. Social media gives people the opportunity to connect with like minded people. What better way to express yourself, than to grow with people who have the same interests. The way relationships form changes with the times. Social media is bringing people together and creating lifelong friendships. From creating masterpieces, to creating connections, the digital age is helping people be their authentic selves. 

How can social media help you learn and grow? Being your true self is right at your fingertips. 

Make sure to check out our recent feature in “Before It’s News” for a closer look at how social media is expanding the quilting world stitch by stitch.