Did you know you already have all the resources you need for your next project? 

Using your old clothes, scraps or trash might not be something you gravitate towards, but using these materials can turn something old into something new. Not only does this help you test your creative skills, it helps protect the planet. 

Americans contribute millions of tons of waste each year, and it’s our responsibility to break old habits and be environmentally friendly. Being sustainable seems impossible with the amount of consumerism there is today, but you can fight this from the comfort of your own home. The best way to do this is to upcycle your old clothes, or whatever you have lying around, and turn it into something you will use. For example, you can take a bunch of old t-shirts, cut them up and quilt them together for a cozy blanket. This helps minimize waste and brings a new masterpiece to life. 

The best part about reusing some of your old clothes for a project is that you are giving a new meaning to them. Your clothes hold memories that last a lifetime, and just because they don’t fit or are not your style does not mean you have to throw them away. They are a memento that can be used for decades. Whether you decide to make a quilt, blanket, or even just rework the clothes to fit your current aesthetic, you are creating something so unique that no one can recreate. 

Old clothes aren’t the only medium you can use. Think about all the plastic bags you have thrown away over the years. Instead of adding to landfills across the country, those bags can be used to stitch care and compassion for others. For example, people are now using plastic bags as yarn to crochet together beds for the homeless community. This act not only helps protect the planet, but it gives life back to people less fortunate. These little things really make a difference for people, and taking the time to research sustainable ways to change someone’s life is worth it. You can not only revitalize old scraps, but you can revitalize your time to help out the community. 

Practicing sustainability is a mindset too. By helping the environment and spreading a little love, the planet will flourish in more ways than one. 

Make sure to check out our feature in Portland News, for more ways you can be sustainable with your craft!

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