We offer Business and 501C status discounts on All Threads and Batting with No Minimum order requirements.
IMPORTANT- You must have a current or new account setup prior to applying for a business account. Click here to sign in and verify you have an active account. Once we receive your application back and have verified the tax number with your state, we will then change your account to a business account and notify you.

 Sign-up For Non-Texas Residents

 Sign-up For Texas Residents

Note: We are the seller.
Linda's Electric Quilters 2001 Central Circle Suite 103 McKinney, Texas 75069
If you are a Quilter offering a service, please notate that on the exemption forms. Some states will require you to collect tax on the items you are putting into manufacturing the quilt, such as thread, batting and fabric. Please read up on your states business/tax laws to stay current.


Why Choose Our Business Account Discounts?

Our Business Account provides a tailored solution for businesses, granting you access to exclusive discounts and benefits tailored to enhance your business productivity. Signing up for a business account with us gives you the advantage of maximizing your revenues while keeping your costs low.

With our Business Account, you will enjoy discounts on a wide array of products. This program is designed to give your business the competitive edge it needs to outperform in its industry. We understand the challenges faced by businesses in trying to cut down on costs and as such, have curated these discounts to address them.

We also understand that every business is unique with its own specific needs. Therefore, our Business Account goes beyond just offering discounts. It is a comprehensive solution that caters to your various business needs. We are constantly working on expanding our network of partners to ensure that we cover as many aspects of your business as possible. So why wait? Sign up today and give your business the growth it deserves.


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