Corey's Cash!
How it works
Earn points for every order placed
Redeem points for rewards
Frequently Asked Questions
Using Corey’s Cash rewards at checkout is easy! When shopping on our website, simply log into your account to access your available Corey’s Cash balance. Once you’ve added your items to the cart, proceed to checkout and look for the option to apply your rewards. Select the amount of points your would like to trade in for Corey’s Cash and it will automatically be deducted from your total. It’s our way of saying thank you for being a valued part of our Linda's community!
Don’t let your Corey’s Cash go to waste! Points earned through our rewards program expire 6 months from the date they’re earned. Be sure to use them to snag your favorite quilting supplies, tools, or kits before they vanish. Keep an eye on your balance and expiration dates by logging into your account—treat yourself to something special today!
Great news! You can use your Corey’s Cash rewards alongside other active sales and promotions. Yes, you read that right—we love rewarding our amazing customers! Stack up your savings and enjoy the perks of being part of our quilting community. There’s no better time to use your Corey’s Cash to grab those must-have items. Happy shopping!