The Swivel is an add-on for the CutterPillar Glows. Translucent base and cutting mat for perfect rotating cuts. Includes the rotating base and replaceable cutting mat.
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* Made of: Plastic
* Includes: Plastic Rotating Base & PVC Cutting Mat
* Use: Rotating Cutting Mat or Rotating Base for Cutterpillar Lights
* Size: 17-1/2in x 15-1/2in x 3/4in
By buying CutterPillar products, all sellers/resellers tacitly agree to not list, sell or post CutterPillar products on Any sellers who knowingly list CutterPillar products on will lose the ability to get CutterPillar products at wholesale prices and immediately lose any privilege of using CutterPillar trademarks, logos and/or images.
* Made of: Plastic
* Includes: Plastic Rotating Base & PVC Cutting Mat
* Use: Rotating Cutting Mat or Rotating Base for Cutterpillar Lights
* Size: 17-1/2in x 15-1/2in x 3/4in